Everyone knows it: you are under stress, you sleep less, you no longer have time for sport and there are also professional or personal problems.
Many people then often suffer from symptoms such as: canker sores, headaches, tiredness, body aches, lack of concentration, corner of the mouth cheilitis , increased heart rate, sweating, gastrointestinal complaints, physical tension and many many more.
But what can be done to avoid these stresses?
Here are our top tips to prevent these symptoms
In general: hygiene protects! Pay attention to a hygienic facility, especially in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Pay attention to regular hand washing and a physically and spatially clean environment,
Well, many already know the above point and sometimes you just don't have the time to have everything cleaned optimally at all times.
Nevertheless, we have some effective and simple ways for you to protect yourself against infections:
- Pay attention to your vitamin and mineral balance. Any supplementation can already have great positive effects on your health. Our tip: vitamin D
- Try to ensure optimal sleep. Good sleep supports our immune system . Sleep deprivation, on the other hand, makes it harder for our T cells, which seek out and kill infected cells, to dock. Do not expose your eyes to blue light (smartphones, for example) before going to sleep, as this greatly suppresses melatonin production in the body.
- Enough Drinking water. Moisturized mucous membranes can do their job and protect against infections. But even if you have already caught a cold, you should definitely drink at least 2 liters of water a day!
-Fresh Air: Try to get outside for fresh air whenever possible. Constant heating dries out the air in the room and, as a result, also the mucous membranes. Nose, throat and bronchi become vulnerable to viral attacks. In addition, viruses survive for a particularly long time in dry rooms.
Even regular ventilation is often not enough to achieve a healthy humidity level of 50 percent. For example, damp cloths on the radiators, water bowls over the central heating or even electric humidifiers can help even if you can't get out. Green plants also contribute to a good indoor climate. The immune system breathes a sigh of relief!